Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Gabba, Brisbane
Qld 4102
28 March, 2012

Paul O'Sullivan

Dear Sir

Re: 0422 813761 Prepaid internet access

I have an Optus wireless dongle that I use mostly for when my Telstra cable connection is down.  I live half way up a hill just across the water from the CBD so it is reasonably satisfactory in that application.

When I bought it, however,  I also had in mind that I would be able to use it on the rare occasions that I am away from home for any length of time.

I was at the Wesley hospital today for a procedure that involved a lot of waiting so I loaded up $15 worth of prepaid credit on my account and  took my netbook along to do some net surfing while I was waiting.  It was hopeless.  I did manage to access one of my usual sites but as soon as I clicked on a link, the connection dropped out.  I basically had no reception at a site only 5 minutes drive from the Brisbane CBD.

I am astounded that the reach of your service is so limited.  I paid $15 for nothing.   Would YOU like to pay $15 for nothing?

May I suggest that you extend to 6 months the time I have to use the $15?   I am much minded to bring your poor service to the attention of the TIO but I await your response first

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